SEO Resources

Google Uses Page Speed as a Ranking Factor

Last Friday, Google announced that they started to use site speed as one of the 200 signals that influence the position of a website in the search results.

How Landing Page Can Make or Break a Website

Landing pages are important while doing SEO because it is the first page that a user would go to when he or she clicks the advertisement.

Blogging-Free Internet Marketing Method

Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for the fun of it or for business reasons.

How to Increase Google Page Rank

What exactly is Google Page Rank and what do you need to do to increase it?

Use of H1 tags in SEO

H1 tags are one of the most important part of SEO which is the header tag situated in body of a website.

SEO FAQ Answered by Google Webmaster Tools

This article covers some advanced and new Google Webmaster Tools features.

Twitter Optimization Tips

Some tips on Twitter Optimization to help you achieve better performance.

Setting up Ad Groups in Yahoo

What I wanted to do was to describe how to use Yahoo PPC so that it can make you money.

The Keyword and the SEM Campaign

Keywords make up the fundamental basis of a strong campaign.

SEO and SEM: Two Names for the Same Thing?

Many people think SEO is synonymous with SEM. In my opinion, there is a big difference between the two.